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What have I been up to?

Posted on:August 5, 2024 at 03:50 PM

So, my last post is from January 21, 2024. Pretty old, uh?

I actually have a handful of drafts sitting right next to the very post you’re reading. About how I keep up with Elixir news, or development in general ; about a project I did a few years ago with a Raspberry PI and a GSM hat to send and receive SMS-like messages with an API or a Livebook ; about How to do Phoenix development.

But well, life™.


My boyfriend’s french visa expired, so we decided to move to Québec, and I had to find a job. I got only one set of interviews, for a Elixir and Python position at ILM, in Vancouver (yeah it’s not exactly Québec, but I was bad at geography when I candidated you know. I’m also used to be able to cross my country in less than a day of car travel, or train). I didn’t get the job, sadly.

But we still had to move, so I left my job at Myriad, and since end of May I’ve been resting, doing my visa stuff, and still looking for jobs (with less focus though, because of the kind of visa I’m pursuing and the waiting time to get it. Will probably write about it too, since it’s its own journey).

I had to get some rest though, because I technically never got a real pause with school and work, since covid started. I began working in apprenticeship, so it means I basically went to work 4 days a week, and to school the last day of the week. Changing school or job basically meant losing whatever days off I had left, or to write a master thesis during that time. And then, when it was supposedly time to move to Québec, I got greenlighted for my visa, and I had to go through moving from one appartment to my parent house, then to another country, while running to schools and to city halls to get administrative papers, in less than a month.

So, yeah, a few months of well deserved rest, reading, playing and thinking a bit about my future.

I keep learning Rust a bit more seriously, with Rustlings, I’m doing a lot of TTRPG stuff, mostly because it’s fun to read through and my group of friends are nerds too.

Raindrop collection

I’m cleaning a bit my RSS feed and newsletters subscriptions, and then it will be my collection’s turn, but it will remain public here:

There are a lot of links there, from rust to career advices, to data science, with some devops, game dev and network engineering, and of course the metric tons of Elixir stuff. I’m still obsessed with Elixir. The latest articles I’ve read are usually not triaged (yet) into the public collection though, as I’m planning to reorganize everything as said earlier.

I’m also not sure about my lack of notes/highlights though, I’m good with it but sometimes I wonder if the collection would really be helpful to someone else. We will see?

Elixir meetups

I can’t really participate in the Elixir Paris meetups as before, but I’m still on the discord, and we will maybe try to read some Elixir books, like the newest kid around the block, as part as a book club, maybe? Either way I will try to give a small talk the Elixir Montréal meetup group soon!


I want to write more too, but it’s difficult to shake off the feeling of not being “worthy” of potential readers. I had 2 or 3 versions of an article about “How to Phoenix”, but everytime I come across someone else’s articles on the subject I decide to never publish mine, and then 2 weeks later I see other people complains about the lack of Phoenix tutorials. So, maybe this time, just to publish something?

Anyway, I don’t know yet, but I want to get back to it, we will see :D

What’s next?

Well, Rust, reading, writing, and in a few months if my job search has not been positive a bit more desperation and posting about it on social networks. Maybe some code project around TTRPGs, still thinking about it.

A bit thinking about the blog itself too, but that will be for later if I actually write stuff.

Still on the fedi, but moved to, I couldn’t get myself to use Akkoma and its UI 😢

See you later!